Fix your pram for spring

Fixa din barnvagn inför våren

David Knutsson |

If you put it this way, we have cleaned the occasional pram. Therefore, it would be silly if we didn't share our tips for how you can make your own pram look springy.

By cleaning your pram twice a year, there is a greater chance that the pram will last longer and, of course, the resale value will be greater. Remove salt, sand and gravel to usher in spring in style.

Below are our best tips for a shiny and clean stroller.

Chassis and wheels

Remove the wheels and set the chassis in the shower or preferably outdoors if possible. Rinse with water and use a sponge with green soap or other detergent to remove the dirt, use a toothbrush in the places that are difficult to reach with the sponge. Don't forget to rinse off the cleaner thoroughly and then let the chassis air dry. You clean the wheels in the same way as the chassis. If there are marks on the white part of the wheels, you can use some form of polishing sponge to get the wheels extra fresh. A tip when air drying is to turn it upside down a few times so that the water runs out of all parts.


1.Vacuum remove loose dirt from the fabric.

  1. If possible, remove fabrics and wash in machine or by hand. It is important not to use any fabric softener as this can cause the fabric to lose its shape. If you cannot remove the fabric, you can clean it with a damp cloth.
  2. Dry. Allow the fabrics/upholstery to dry thoroughly. If the fabric is not allowed to dry properly, it may begin to mold, so allow it to be completely dry before use.

Polish off scratches and marks

For superficial marks on the chassis, it works perfectly with toothpaste or stain remover. If you have deeper scratches on a glossy or silver-colored chassis, we recommend polishing agents for metal, however, be careful with such an agent and feel free to test on a small area before starting. For black chassis with deep scratches, it works best to use a black permanent marker pen.


Before you start with this part of the cleaning, we recommend that you protect the floor if you do this indoors. And feel free to check which means your particular cart can withstand.

The wheels

Use silicone spray, Teflon spray or grease for the wheels. If you have followed the steps above, the wheels are already cleaned and all you have to do is start greasing, if not then start by cleaning the wheels from old grease and dirt.


For the chassis, we recommend using silicone or Teflon spray. Spray liberally and lightly touch the part you sprayed, then spray again.

And there you were done!

A tip is to do some light cleaning and work on the cart between these major cleanings, and then we recommend that you:

1. Use a seat cushion in the seat area to protect the upholstery.

2. Wipe off dirt as soon as possible, to reduce unsightly stains that may occur.

  1. Also wipe the wheels and chassis a little from time to time with a damp cloth.
  2. Use rain cover to reduce the risk of mold on the upholstery.

These are our best tips for a clean and nice pram. Don't forget that depending on which pram you have, you may need to adapt the cleaning tips.

Check the instruction manual for your particular cart before you start cleaning, to make sure that the correct cleaning agent and lubrication are used.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact us,

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